DRECP Public Meetings
If you want to have your voice heard regarding the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) - a Federal and state effort to figure out the appropriate locations for large-scale renewable energy development in California's desert - you will have your chance on Friday, September 6, and Saturday, September 7. As noted in the Desert Sun , the meetings will afford the public a chance to provide input to the planners. The plan will identify areas for conservation, and areas for renewable energy development. Speak up in favor of expanded conservation protection for our desert wildlands, and for renewable energy on rooftops and already-disturbed lands. There is no need to for industry to destroy more wild places when we have a more sustainable alternative. Meeting details: Lucerne When: 6:30-9:30 p.m. Friday Where: Lucerne Valley Elementary School, 10788 Barstow Road Yucca Valley When: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday Where: Yucca Valley Community Center,...