DRECP Spotlight: Bats

According to the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan ( DRECP ), a full build-out of the anticipated wind energy target in the California desert region would kill from 4,000 to 283,000 bats each year (page IV.7-273). This estimate assumes 2,023 turbines would be installed in development focus areas in the western Mojave, Lucerne Valley, Chocolate Mountains and Imperial Valley. The wide range in the bat death estimate - a spread of over 270,000 - shows just how little we know about how renewable energy in the desert will impact bats. The wind industry does not always cooperate with independent studies on wildlife impacts, and the industry funds the American Wind Wildlife Institute to shape the public discussion on this topic in a way that is favorable to industry. The moon sets in the western Mojave desert during the early dawn hours. I don't have my own picture of a bat because I'm not that good of a photographer. I have not seen any information in...