Southern Nevada Wildlands Get Temporary Reprieve

A Federal judge recently ruled against the Bureau of Land Management's approval of the Searchlight Wind project because the BLM did not adequately analyze potential impacts on golden eagles, bats and desert tortoises, according to Basin & Range Watch . The BLM initially approved of the Searchlight Wind project in 2013 based on poor quality wildlife surveys paid for by the developer. The original impact analysis considered only three golden eagle nests within a ten-mile radius of the wind project, even though a separate study funded by the BLM found as many as ten nests. Apex Clean Energy - the project developer - and the BLM may decide to redo some of the environmental analysis that the court found to be lacking. However, it would be wiser if Nevada and its neighbors focused investments on energy efficiency, and implemented policies that encourage distributed, locally-controlled renewable energy generation and battery storage . Spirit Mountain at dusk. ...