Should Orange County Get Mojave Groundwater?

Bonanza Spring in the Mojave UPDATE - August 26th, 2018: California State Senator Richard Roth just introducted SB120, a companion bill to AB1000, that would have the same effect: ensure proper environmental review of the Cadiz groundwater pumping scheme. Please call California State Senate leader Toni Atkins' office and ask her to make SB120 a priority. You can reach her office at (916) 651-4039. The Cadiz company intends to pump 16 billion gallons of water a year for 50 years from the Mojave desert and sell it to a water district in Orange County. This plan would harm natural springs that dozens of species of wildlife depend upon for survival, according to a peer-reviewed study . The California legislature has one more opportunity to put an end to this terrible idea if it can pass Assembly Bill 1000 (AB1000). The bill was introduced in Sacramento last year and would require additional scrutiny of plans by the company to export desert ground...