Mojave Road Experience in Jeopardy

A quintessential rite of passage for Mojave explorers will no longer offer the same journey into unconfined and wild desert that generations of travelers have shared if a Sweden-based company gets its way. A document released by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under a Freedom of Information Act request indicates that towering wind turbines of the proposed Crescent Peak Wind project would be visible from a majority of the Mojave Road in the eastern Mojave desert. The Mojave Road can be seen in the distance as it snakes its way toward Marl Spring in the Mojave National Preserve. The meandering dirt road provides a wild escape for many to the back country of the desert. But it may no longer feel that way if the Crescent Peak Wind project is approved. The Mojave Road is a historic route traversed for centuries by Native Americans, European explorers and present-day adventurers. Much of the route crosses public lands and the natural character of the landscape provides...