Searchlight Wind Project Retreats, But Future of Wildlands Remains In Doubt

The Searchlight Wind project threatening wildlands in Nevada's Piute Valley has been cancelled, according to Basin & Range Watch communication with the Bureau of Land Management. The Searchlight Wind project would have converted nearly 29 square miles of wildlands into an industrial zone, with 87 towering wind turbines and at least 35 miles of new access roads carved into the desert around the small outpost of Searchlight. The project suffered legal setbacks after Basin & Range Watch and the Friends of Searchlight Desert and Mountains pointed out that the Department of Interior's environmental review downplayed the project's potential impacts on wildlife. Spirit Mountain in the distance as seen from the Searchlight Hills where the proposed wind project would have been built. The Piute Valley, however, continues to face the threat of industrial-scale energy development. A Sweden-based company plans to build the Crescent Peak Wind project on the wester...