Alta Wind Energy Center continues to consume and industrialize dozens of square miles of desert habitat in the western Mojave Desert.
The total project area already encompasses over 50 square miles -- nearly 1.5 times the size of Manhattan -- and continues to expand. Hundreds of wind turbines -- each over 420 feet tall -- require new roads and pads carved into desert soil to supply Southern California Edison (SCE) customers with "guilt free" wind energy. Don't tell SCE customers that wind turbines require immense amounts of
cement, steel and copper to deliver that energy to them, not to mention natural gas "peaker" plants running in the background. Meanwhile, a
UCLA study found that Los Angeles County could meet much of its energy demands with solar panels on rooftops or over
parking lots.
A single wind turbine pad under construction in the western Mojave Desert, requiring tons of cement, and yet another scar in the land. Photo taken recently by a resident of Mojave, California. |
The Bureau of Land Management is now accepting comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the expansion of Alta wind project onto public lands. You can find more information and submit public comments through the
BLM website for the Alta East Wind Project.
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