Desert Skies Deceptively Clear

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a new rule in March that would effectively limit new fossil fuel plants from emitting more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced. The rule will impact new coal power plants that are still on the drawing board, and is an important step in limiting emissions from the energy sector, which is the biggest source of carbon pollution. We still have a lot of work to stop polluters in the desert, however. Many families moved to the desert regions of California in part to escape the notorious smog of the Los Angeles basin. But the clear skies are deceptive since there are several industries -- including coal power plants -- spewing millions of tons of carbon and other harmful poisons into the air, hurting human health and contributing to climate change. The Sierra Club has launched a petition in support of the EPA's proposed rule, which could still be weakened or ab...