A grassroots effort is under way in Las Vegas to stop urban development from encroaching on one of the city's most popular outdoor respites -- Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. The beautiful yucca and blackbrush scrub habitat gives way to unique geologic features that attract hikers, bicyclists, rock climbers, photographers, and anybody else that wants a breath of fresh air and a break from the city. But now a housing developer wants to build up to
4,500 homes just south of the open space, which would probably affect wildlife linkages and also greatly increase vehicle traffic on otherwise quiet roads.
The group
Save Red Rock Canyon has organized rallies to bring attention to some of the developments threatening the surrounding desert habitat and recreational space. The effort has even encouraged a normally apolitical rock band to speak up. Locals (and rockers) concerned with the threat to Red Rock plan to attend an 18 January Clark County Commission meeting.
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. |
This map from the Save Red Rock Canyon website shows an earlier version of the development plan in blue, just south of Red Rock Canyon. |
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